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Should you support politicians just because they are LGBTQ?
The best person to advocate for the LGBTQ community is someone in it. It's important for us to support each other, which means voting LGBTQ people into office with the confidence they'll put equality and LGBTQ issues at the forefront of their work. It wasn't that long ago that candidates would have been afraid to publicly expose their sexual preference. The fact that they can now do so freely emphasizes the importance of voting them into office. We need voices in power who will look out for and fight for us.
There are probably many heterosexual people who would never consider voting for an LGBTQ candidate. We still have a lot of obstacles to overcome and it starts with voting for people who are like us in order to combat those who hate us. It's been a long and arduous struggle for our community to make progress and attain many of the same rights as heterosexuals. We can't regress or take the risk that someone will either not fight to protect our rights and civil liberties or possibly even speak out against them. If a candidate is LGBTQ, I'd anticipate them putting the protection of their community as priority number one. An LGBTQ politician should understand the critical role they play in helping our community continue to move forward and be treated equally better than anyone else could. The public needs to see that we are just as qualified to represent the people as any straight person could.
Absolutely Not!
Part of the problem with politics is that voters fail to consider the bigger picture. So many people strictly vote along party lines, even though they may not fully agree with what their candidate stands for. Rather than voting for the best person for the job, many people don't weigh the pros and cons about where the candidate stands on all the issues so they can make an educated decision.
I've supported political candidates just as often as I've voted against them, but only after doing all my homework, not basing my vote on who they are attracted to or how they identify. That was never a factor I considered because being LGBTQ doesn't make someone qualified to represent an entire district, city, state, or country any more than being heterosexual does. Having such a narrow frame of reference is like supporting someone just because they have the same birthday as you. It's much more important to find out where the candidate stands on issues, their experience, and what kind of trusted leader you honestly think they'll make.
Last time I checked, we, as members of the LGBTQ community, want to be taken seriously as individuals and treated equally. To me, that translates to doing the same for others, not being biased or unable to see beyond our own community. I'm glad there are more politicians who are honest and proud to be LGBTQ, but that doesn't automatically make them the best person for any job.
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