Coming Out Stories
While there’s no one-size-fits-all way to come out to someone, it’s a freeing experience no matter what their reaction to you might be. Maybe your friends or family members weren’t surprised at all. Maybe your parent was shocked or disappointed. Maybe the news made your sibling cry. You just never know, which is why coming out can be so scary!
Did you find a creative way to share the big news or did you just blurt it out at the dinner table or during an argument? No matter how you shared your truth or whom you shared it with, everyone’s story is different. Surely some stories will be funny, some will be sweet, and some may even be disheartening. We’re ready to hear them all! Whether your experience was positive or negative, remember there’s no better way to be than AbsolutelyOut!
To read more coming out stories or to share your own head over to the Community Forum!