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Dear Friend,

I think it’s pretty ridiculous that you stopped being friends with me after I told you that I’m gay. You have no idea how hard that was for me and obviously don’t care. I heard you make ridiculous comments about gay people in the past, but I honestly thought that you’d be there for me, especially since we’ve been friends for over ten years. Boy, was I wrong about you.

You should get off your high horse and stop telling everyone you can’t be friends with me because you think I want you and are afraid I’m going to come on to you. Give me a break. Nothing could be further from the truth. I think you’re just so insecure with yourself and are nothing but a bigot. The last thing I’d want to do is end up with a guy who is so rude and selfish. It’s no wonder that you can’t keep a girlfriend. Don’t be surprised if you end up alone one day. Your looks will only get you so far, and even they will fade. Trust me when I tell you that an ugly personality can’t be overlooked. Being kind and having a good heart are much more attractive qualities in a person and you definitely fall short in those areas.

I may not be the straight macho guy that you try to be, but at least I’m a good, decent person who treats others with respect. And I’d never turn my back on my friends! It was nice knowing you—before you became such an insensitive and egotistical jerk.

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