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Appreciate the
Small Things in Life

Image by Joe Caione

Riley doesn’t need expensive toys, a diamond collar, or fancy outfits. She’s perfectly content with dollar-store toys, plastic bottles, or, better yet, wrapping paper. I’ve never seen a dog that loves to unwrap gifts as much as Riley—no matter whose birthday it is.

Riley is always excited to earn a small treat and will do anything for a simple belly rub. She’s certainly not spoiled, but appreciates the small things in life. She’s taught me the beauty of simplicity and to be grateful for all of the blessings I have.

I know Riley relies on me to meet all of her needs. I take her for walks, feed her healthy meals, give her a clean, warm bed to sleep in…It’s not only my responsibility, but my pleasure to do so. I also know that Riley appreciates me for providing so many things she wants as well. Although she doesn’t exactly ask me, I give her whatever I can to make her happy—all the love and affection I possibly can, play time, and endless rubs behind her ears. I’ll even keep my legs straight out in a fixed position for as long as possible so she can make her little nest in her favorite spot.

I can tell how much Riley appreciates all that my family and I do for her. She’s one happy little pup and it’s because she’s so adored and treasured. In turn, she showers us with countless kisses and lots of love. Riley has taught me the importance of not just feeling appreciation for the nice gestures and love that others give me, but she’s reminded me how essential it is to acknowledge and show appreciation for all that I have.

I’m never going to look back on my life and say, “I wish I would have spent more time working, watching television, or sitting around wasting time or worrying about things." One thing is for sure, though—I’d kick myself if I ever had to say, “I wish I would have spent more time playing with or cuddling with Riley.” That’s why I maximize my time with her and I cherish every second we spend together. It’s important to take the time to appreciate all of the small things in life—especially one that only weighs six pounds.

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