Have Fun
Riley has always had a lot of energy. Sometimes when I just sit and watch her, I think about how much she just loves life. It’s actually very inspiring. Like most dogs, Riley loves to go for walks, play with her toys, and run around. She gets such joy and excitement out of everything she does. Riley has certainly reminded me how important it is to have fun—every day!
Whether it’s by herself or with someone else, Riley loves to play games. She loves to play fetch and she’ll chase after anything I’m willing to throw—a soft toy, a tennis ball, a frisbee. Being such a little dog, she doesn’t even care how big the item is or how silly it looks when she runs back with an oversized tennis ball or giant frisbee hanging out of her mouth. Over time, I’ve gotten more appropriate Riley-sized toys so she can enjoy the experience even more. She loves to play “Get It, Drop It, Leave It,” which is our special game. I’ll usually take a soft toy and remind her to “Wait,” one or two times. Her tiny, practically non-existent, tail will wiggle back and forth excitedly as she stares at me with her mouth open, as if she’s laughing and anticipating the fun that’s about to begin. I remind her again to “Wait,” as I throw her toy and she listens carefully for the magic words she can’t wait to hear. As soon as I say, “Get it,” Riley will dart off to retrieve the toy and enthusiastically bring it back to me as quickly as possible. When I tell her to drop it, she does so right away. I then tell her to “Leave it,” and she looks up at me with those puppy-dog eyes as if to say, “Hurry up and throw it again. This is so much fun!” If it were up to Riley, we’d play this game all day, every day.
Riley also has a favorite game she loves to play by herself. She takes one of her toys, her favorite one for that day, and will literally toss the toy as high and as far as she can. Sometimes she catches it and sometimes she takes off to retrieve it herself. Either way, she can’t wait to fling it again and repeat the process. I had never known dogs could play catch and fetch by themselves, but Riley certainly can. At other times, Riley will launch her toy through the air and then look at me or another family member before letting out two or three brief barks. We always know exactly what she’s trying to say. She wants us to play the game with her so that we end up either fetching the toy or hurling it in the air for her to catch.
Watching Riley have fun makes me so happy and it’s one of my favorite things to do. If Riley gets really excited and wants to play, she’ll find a carpeted room and start dashing around the furniture. She'll dart as fast as her little legs will take her and, if anyone starts clapping, she’ll start running even faster. It’s like she’s putting on a show for an audience and thrives on the applause. This will go on for a minute or two, or until she tires herself out, but if someone starts clapping again, Riley will take off and continue her performance for a second act. She’ll circle the room repeatedly, dodging or jumping over anyone or anything that gets in her way, and she’ll do it all at lightning speed.
My wife and Riley have a favorite game that’s so much fun for the two of them to play and a ton of fun for me to watch. Believe it or not, Riley is excellent at playing hide-and-seek. When my wife starts to tiptoe away from her, Riley knows what’s about to happen. My wife will quickly get out of sight and hide in another room, usually on the side of a bed or a couch, or even behind a door. It’s as if Riley knows to stay put while my wife is hiding. Eventually, after a minute or so, Riley’s curiosity gets the best of her and she goes “seeking” for my wife. She’ll walk around slowly as if she knows that a surprise could be waiting around any corner. Every single time, my wife will pop out just before Riley gets close enough to finding her and say, “Boo." Riley will get a little frazzled, run around the room letting out an excited bark or two, and wait anxiously to play again.
Whether it’s just taking more time to play with Riley each day or taking more time for other activities I find enjoyable, Riley has reminded me that it’s essential to have fun every day.
All work and no play doesn’t just sound dull and boring...it really is.