Put Things in Perspective

It is absolutely impossible for me to be in a bad mood when I’m with Riley. It’s as if she has a magical power over me and knows exactly how to bring out the best in me. She turns every frown into a smile, gives me patience when I’m feeling frustrated, or does something silly to make me laugh when I feel like crying.
We’ve all had our fair share of bad days—when you feel like nothing is going your way or like the whole world is against you. I’ve had plenty of days where I felt like I couldn’t do anything right or like every decision I made that day was the wrong one. I’ve been stressed out, annoyed, and disappointed, but no matter how negative a situation seems or how bad of a day I'm actually having, Riley always makes everything better.
When I come home to a dog who loves and appreciates me as much as Riley does, it makes everything else seem trivial. All I have to do is feel the love of the six-pound dog tugging at me and practically trying to climb her way up my leg, and, in an instant, my entire day turns around. I pick her up, look in her eyes, pet her soft fur or give her a belly rub, and my mood immediately changes. I become so focused on Riley and making her happy, that it’s impossible for me to be in a bad mood any longer. Whatever upset me or made me mad in the first place disappears is replaced by feelings of happiness and contentment.

I’ve watched Riley a lot over the years and never once did I ever think she was in a bad mood. It must be another one of her magical powers. Of course there’s been times when she was tired or maybe even a little nervous and there’s been times when I knew she didn’t feel well. But other than those rare circumstances, she’s never been one to mope around or seem disinterested, and she certainly never seems to be having a bad day. She doesn’t waste her time being in a bad mood because everything to Riley seems so fun, exciting, and enjoyable.
It is impossible for me to hold Riley—this small, soft, cuddly little being that relies on me and loves me so much—and remain in a bad mood or hold on to feelings of anger, resentment, or frustration. I don’t know how she does it, but Riley always manages to make me put things in perspective. She’s taught me that if we try hard enough, we can all find that special someone or something in our lives that makes everything else somehow seem not quite so significant. I hope that everyone is as lucky as I am and can find their special someone or something that makes their darkest days brighter and their bad moods much lighter.
Riley has taught me that there’s absolutely no problem worth worrying about and nothing more important than spending time with our loved ones, whatever their shape or size. And there’s certainly no bad mood that can’t be reversed when you’re holding your six-pound best friend.