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Spend Quality Time
With Those You Love

Image by Joe Caione

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love my Riley and I take every opportunity I can to spend with her. It’s important to her, and it’s important to me. I’ve always enjoyed just laying with her, snuggling her, cuddling her in my arms, holding her, petting her, going for walks with her, playing with her—even listening to the sound of her crunch away as she devours her meals. Every second I spend with Riley is quality time. I owe it to her to make her feel as loved and appreciated as she makes me feel.

As much as I devote time to spend with Riley, she’s always the first to remind me when she wants a little more. If I’m standing up doing something, she’ll put her two front paws up on my leg as if to say, “Take some time out to spend with me." I’ll pet her little head or I’ll rub the back of her neck or behind her ears, all while she wraps those two little paws around my leg giving me the greatest leg hug she can as her head practically melts into me. Other times, I’ll bend down and she’ll jump into my lap, just wanting to sit with me and remind me that she loves me.

Sometimes when I’m relaxing on the couch, Riley will hold onto my legs if she can reach them or peer her little head over the couch until I notice her, as if she’s asking, “Is there any room for one more?” Sometimes she’ll just climb up her steps to join me on the couch, getting as close to me as possible—even if I’m reading a book or working on my laptop. She has a way of reminding me to take time out from whatever I’m doing—to make those moments count and spend quality time with one another. The book or the laptop goes immediately to the side, and Riley and I enjoy each other’s company.

Every morning when she wakes up, Riley just wants to cuddle. Whether I join her by laying on the floor next to her bed or she joins me on mine, we take a few minutes to just lay together and cuddle. Those quiet moments are so valuable and they are special times for both of us when nothing else seems to matter. A similar scenario happens before I put Riley to bed each night. I hold her in my arms and often find myself rocking her as if she’s a baby. Well, she is—she’s my baby. I tell her how much I love her and I thank God for her and kiss her on the head before laying her in her bed. It is the most peaceful and beautiful time of day and I am so grateful for every moment of quality time I spend with Riley.

A few years ago, a colleague of mine was very upset at work. Her dog, who was only four years old, had suddenly passed away from an illness she didn’t even know the dog was suffering from. Wiping tears away from her eyes, she said, “I know you love your dog so much, so just make sure you always take time to cuddle with her and love her." She went on to tell me how grateful she was that she had spent five extra minutes in the morning just laying with her dog because that is the last memory she has of being with him. She had no idea that he was going to pass away that day, but she was so thankful that, instead of pressing her snooze button one more time, she had spent a few extra minutes loving on her dog. And since she, unfortunately, couldn’t hold onto him anymore, she appreciated the only thing that she did have to hold on to at that moment—the memory of the quality time she spent with him that morning before getting ready for her day. Even though I do it everyday, I went home that particular day after work and showered Riley with even more love and affection, taking time to hold her a little bit longer and a little bit closer.

I’m very grateful for every moment I get to spend with Riley. Quantity is important to me because I try to spend as much time with her as I can, but quality time is of the utmost importance. Just one look at my little cutie pie and I am reminded that every moment matters.

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